New elvui update
New elvui update

new elvui update

We've also included the Wowhead Looter addon, .I can't get the Questie tracker to show on screen. Below are two popular addons that are the most requested by players, Questie and WeakAuras. 17 Likes Chete-moon-guard August 26, 2019, … uhaul 4x8 trailer dimensions 13. It is your time, your money and your decision on what you use. 1 Like Baskervilles-blackwater-raiders August 26, 2019, 2:53pm #11 Also ignore the gatekeepers and play the way you want to. You can find it on the warcrafttavern website, renamed to ClassicCodex. Install TBC version and go to Questie Options > Advanced > Reset Questie. vet tech salary california 2022 That's because you have TBC quests in your quest log while running Classic Era version. Altoholic - An Ace 3 addon written for people who dedicate most of their time to leveling alts, and who want to have as much information as possible in one addon. Nice list! A couple more that I use (while trying not to repeat anything =) ): Ackis Recipe List - An addon which will scan your trade skills and provide information on how to obtain recipes.

New elvui update